Best Ways to Clean and Maintain Your Wooden Cloth Hanger

Feb. 25, 2022 | Written by Aisha Abimbola

Wooden cloth hangers are beautiful with a smooth feel to touch. However, this beauty may not be pronounced when the hanger is dirty or in bad condition. The appealing look in your closet is lost, and it will never give the expected beauty. Although every hanger is prone to get dirty, what impact do you make on the cleanliness? Do you leave it dirty until it is damaged? If you want to know how to clean wooden hangers, follow the ways provided in this blog post.

Cleaning your Cloth Hangers the Right Way

Best Ways to Clean and Maintain Your Wooden Cloth Hanger

Whatever cloth hanger you use, be cautious during the cleaning process. For instance, you do not want to bend the wire when you clean wire hangers. For a wooden hanger, consider the tips below.

  • Get a bowl filled with water
  • Place the wooden hanger by the bowl side
  • Get a paper towel and an anti-bacterial spray cleaner.
  • Soak the paper towel in the bowl with the water.
  • Spray the anti-bacterial cleaner on the wooden hanger
  • Use the paper towel to wipe off the spray
  • Use a dry paper towel to clean the water residue on the hanger.
  • It could be your best wooden hanger, but let it dry before taking it back to your closet.

Carry Out a Frequent Cleaning Process

Many people are guilty of inconsistency with activities, primarily when cleaning. It is understandable how busy your schedule is, but assign some time and effort to clean your wooden hanger. Ensure you schedule at least one cleaning act in a month in your busy schedule. Make sure it does not take long before you clean the following month again. A delay may cause dirt to accumulate in the wooden hanger, causing gradual damage.

Take Your Time During the Cleaning Process

Velvet and plastic hangers have similar features; they both require thorough cleaning. Some people assume velvet hangers are the easiest to clean because of the plastic interior. When you clean velvet hangers, make sure there is no dirt hiding between the lines. Any lingering dirt will cause a filthy sight, but it is also a high possibility of staining the cloth. The same also applies when you clean plastic hangers.

You can schedule fifteen minutes to clean wooden hangers. It would help if you took your time to dry up the hangers, so they do not corrode or have mold growing on them. Ensuring your hangers are properly dry does not only extend the durability but also makes them perform better. Before wrapping up, it is worthy to note that quality material is easier to clean than wood of low quality. Among several reasons, ease of maintenance should be enough reason to get a high grade classic wide shoulder wooden coat hanger.

The Bottom Line

Generally, you can apply the same cleaning process mentioned above to clean plastic and velvet hangers. They have the same cleaning procedures but serve different purposes. That is, the type of cloth each type of hanger handles varies. You do not want to see a faded wooden hanger while opening your closet. If you do not have a cleaning routine for your cloth hanger, you should consider starting now. This post recommends you contact Greenliving for an easy wooden hanger to clean. They have been in the industry for a while, so you can be sure to get nothing short of excellent.

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