Why it is Important to Refresh your Cedar Blocks?

Written by Aisha Abimbola

Why it is Important to Refresh your Cedar Blocks?

Cedar blocks are versatile wooden materials built to add natural scents to closets, suitcases, and cabinets. They help to prevent mold growth on clothing materials, increasing their longevity. Cedar blocks closet also reduce the chances of insect larvae feeding on linens, chiffon, cotton, and other fabric types. Hence, it has become necessary for homeowners to have a cedar hanger in their storage facilities.

Benefits of Cedar Blocks

Cedar blocks have been the most preferred option for storing clothes in many homes. It can serve in the kitchen cabinet, drawer, and shoe cabinet. However, some people are unaware of the benefits of cedar blocks or their purpose in their closets. It would help if you remembered that multifunctional natural cedar hangers serve different users' purposes.

Cedar blocks have fragrances that repel insects and enhance your cloth scent. The cedar varieties also add to furniture beauty, sometimes used for interior decoration. Products from Greenliving have no chemical additives, which makes them safer for every user.

Cedar blocks do not also encourage mold and mildew growths. This happens by reducing moisture in fabrics, making the environment not friendly for insect growth. It also detects bugs on clothes and diminishes their materials. The aromatic and reddish cedar color is rich and beautiful.

How to Clean your Cedar Blocks

Dust blocks the aromatic oils that serve as natural repellents to invasive insects. As time goes on, cedar blocks eventually wear out after countless dust exposure. Hence, you need to follow the steps below to ensure your cedar blocks are correctly cleaned.

Step One

You can clean the interior of your cedar hanger using a microfibre cloth. Without ignoring the sides, which likely contains mildews.

Step Two

After cleaning with a microfibre cloth, use a cotton swab to clean the remaining dust. Use the cotton swab to clean the cedar blocks back and forth.

Step Three

Spread the cedar blocks closet in the open-air. Ensure the environment is warm, without any chances of raindrops.

Step Four

You can use mineral oil and a steel wool pad to erase minor scratches. Then wipe off any excesses remaining on the cedar hanger.

Getting Wholesale Cedar Blocks

Why it is Important to Refresh your Cedar Blocks?

Wholesale cedar blocks allow you to store many clothes at the same time. However, you need a supplier to provide quality cedar blocks at affordable prices. You should also be able to get your wholesale portion at a large volume, which also helps minimize shipping fees. For instance, Greenliving has the cedar blocks set for clothes storage, with 10 pcs cedar rings. These cedar rings can serve multipurpose functions with no barrier.


You can refresh your cedar hanger by slightly rubbing sandpaper on it. Then, use a clean wet cloth to wipe off any remnant cloth. You need to follow the cedar blocks pattern while stopping as soon as you notice a color change. While you are done reading this guideline, visit Greenliving to order the best cedar wood blocks for moths.

Keep Reading:

How To Protect Your Closet With Cedar Blocks: Actionable Steps